Getting the Best of Power BI Using Azure Stack

May 23rd 2019
2020/10/06 11:48:01
May 23rd 2019
2020/10/06 11:48:01


Power BI is a consistent leader quadrant occupant on the Gartner’s magic quadrant for BI tools. Simplicity to create and ability to handle complex data pipelines has given it an edge. This edge gets further enhanced when the entire stack viz. database (Azure SQL server, HDInsight) , processing layer (AzureML Studio, Azure Data Facory) and cloud (Azure VMs) is from Microsft’s Azure ecosystem. In this webinar, we would highlight some successful architectures which follow these models. Indium Software, being a Microsoft partner, has versatile abilities and experience in solving such problems. Tune in to share and possibly find a solution to your BI and descriptive analytics woes.


1. An Introduction to Power BI: Market size, Gartner Quadrant etc.
2. USPs of Power BI – simplicity, Cortana integration, Azure integration etc.
3. Componets of Power BI – Charts, DAX queries, Calculated fields and measures
4. Sample Data Pipeline + BI architecture w/o Azure stack
5. Sample Data Pipeline + BI architecture with Azure stack
6. Comparison of BI performance with and w/o Azure stack
7. Best practices while designing a data pipeline + BI architecture
8. Power BI case studies and demos

Speaker Profile

Magesh Rajaram


Ashish Kumar
