Future Tech Testing Services

Leverage Indium’s Smart Test Platform to test AI and IoT-enabled applications and NFT blockchain testing.

uphoriX - Indium’s Smart Test Automation Platform is geared to address the needs of Future tech such as IoT and NFT blockchain

Today, enterprises are embracing emerging technologies like IoT, blockchain, AI and advanced analytics to become more agile and data-driven. Software applications that use these technologies cannot be tested for quality using a manual, traditional process.

There is a critical need to embrace AI based test automation, ideally with a platform that can support end-to-end testing covering functional, API, data, performance, and security as well. Additionally, one needs to integrate QA into the DevOps process and also make sure there is a strategy in place for data assurance.

Indium adopts a Shift Left approach to Future Tech testing. Using the uphoriX platform, we automate various key processes including test data management, test environment deployment, validation, and ongoing monitoring. Additionally, our SDETs, bring in not only expertise in QA but also a deep understanding of digital and data engineering. The capabilities of our SDETs coupled with a proven test automation platform like uphoriX, helps us streamline the end-to-end QA process for IoT Testing, AI model testing, NFT blockchain testing, etc.

Indium Digital Assurance Stack

Build atop 22+ years of Quality Assurance expertise at its core, Indium’s Digital Assurance practice has evolved to address the needs of the digital ecosystem, infusing the best of QA practices into its Quality Engineering, Future Tech testing and Advisory services.

Future Tech Testing - Key Capabilities

We use a combination of test automation and expert SDETs to ensure digital quality assurance
of your new-age applications that use AI, IoT, Blockchain, etc.


In-sprint Automation

Our test automation platform drives efficiency into the process of testing futuristic apps by embedding QA into the DevSecOps lifecycle.Read More »

NFT and Blockchain Testing

Our SDETs leverage Agile, TDD and BDD methodologies to test blockchain applications. Our SDETs understand the fundamentals of blockchain programming, which helps them adopt first principles while testing NFT or other blockchain applications.Read More »

IoT Testing

We make sure all your IP-enabled devices and sensors are optimized for performance, functionality, integration, and data securityRead More »

Data Assurance and ETL Testing

Large-scale data sets are part and parcel of future tech applications. Our SDETs bring in relevant expertise in database testing, file comparisons, ETL testing, API, and Microservices testing.Read More »

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uphoriX: The Smart Test Platform

Wouldn’t it be great if all QA requirements could be fulfilled with a one-stop solution? That helps save software testing costs, expedites the testing process, and accelerates digital transformation projects.

Indium Software’s Smart Test Platform, uphoriX, is the answer to all your software testing needs. Its advantages? Parallel testing, scripts reusability, Test automation, compatibility…

Click here to know more about UphoriX

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